1. What did you do in 2010 you've never done before? Having a child
, teats to be definitive breast
2. "You kept your New Year's resolutions, and make new ones? Again I do not remember
3. Did you marry someone close to you?
More or less.
4. Were you born someone close to you?
5. Did he die someone close to you? Almost
6. What countries visited? Not one
7. What would you like to have in 2011 you did not have in 2010?
money and gain peace. That helps everything.
8. What dates this year will remain in your memory?
8 / 03 ... but the day itself is pretty fuzzy.
9. What isyour biggest achievement of the year? Continue to
teats through pain
10. What has been your greatest failure? Slimming
remains unresolved
11. Have you had an illness or injury? Episiotomy
12. What has been the best thing you bought? Things to Migue
13. Does the behavior of who deserves celebration? Deira
tuna again deserve praise. Maybe Rajis. German.
14. The attitude of who made you feel depressed or horrified? Luiki
back on this list.
15. Where is gone most of your money?
We have not spent too much, really.
16. What made you really excited?
Watching Miguel.
17. What song will always remember 2010? Bad Romance
18. Compared with a year ago, are "happier or sadder?
For reasons beyond my control, but sad.
ii. More thinner or fatter?
fatter iii. More richer or poorer? Poorest
19. What would you have done more?
Puff, I'm like I'm
20. What would you have done less?
Puff, eat the head.
21. How will you spend Christmas?
In Casica.
22. Did you love in 2010?
23. How many one-night stands?
I've never had that. CH
TMLXC 24. Your favorite TV show? Universe
25. Do you hate someone you do not hate this time last year? Hating is bad couple
Karma, but there are a couple of gilindrones to them I have a lot of mania.
26. Is the best book you read?
The Hunger Games.
27. What has been your greatest musical discovery?
Of that expenditure.
28. What did you want and get? Migue
29. What is your best memory of 2010? Migue
30. Your favorite movie of the year? Gru
31. What did you do on your birthday and few compliments?
turned 33 and was in the hospital after giving birth.
32. What would have made your year more satisfying? Winning the lottery
33. Describe your concept of fashion in 2010:
This fits me?.
34. What made you stay sane?
Germain, The Rajis, Susi, Deira at times my mom.
36. What political issue has irked you most?
Living in the Valencian political issue makes me shudder.
37. Who do you miss? My chubby
Grenadines, some chickens and children barceloniensis Germany and Edinburgh.
38. Who is the best person you've met?
I met Miguel at Susa, Biel, Pilar and Maria ... and re-met Vanessa
39. Tell us a lhave learned valuable ection 2010:
take things more calmly.
40. Would you say that 2010 has been a good year anyway?
Yes, no doubt.
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