Friday, December 10, 2010

How To Beat Rng Roulette 30 Days: Shipping Meme (♥ 12 ♥)


Best Wedding / prom
Two couples have had to select.
First, because his fictional union many fans were satisfied
and second, because her prom was just as fans waited.

Arnold & Helga ( Stalker )

Love the blonde he professes to head the ball is extremely patient and tender at once. I spent most of the series, pending que Arnold realized her feelings and what would ... in the film that never aired. So, I found comfort in this episode, in which both Arnold and Helga their respective dream wedding, which, according to the creators, some n day could have happened.

Kim Possible and Ron Stoppable

Ron! -Melts-I have a fetish with that name, because I've seen Ronnie are adorable to the core. And he is no exception> 333. The interesting thing about this dance dand graduation, was to be found in demasíaa the fics of this couple owóU ... So I think the writers read fics and gave him a taste for fandom!


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