Sunday, December 12, 2010

Stomach Condition_symptoms 30 Days: Shipping Meme (14 TT)


favorite book couple
A "something", an almost all pose these two people in different bodies that share a single soul.
dare Why separate?
Perhaps, for others, to make it eternal.

Laurie Jo +
Little Women (Little Women) & Other works, Louisa M. Alcott
When I was little, used to buyme a book a week, which he read every Sunday while waiting for my long hair was dry after the bath routine. And one of those afternoons, I got my hands: Little Women text that has four players, each with its own charm, but my favorite was and is and Josephine "Jo" the male damsel eager to become a writer. They were selfish reasons that led me to select it, and I must say, they are almost the same why Teddy was elected as the woman who would accompany him in life.

I thought I would be together, shared many ma; S reasons to love Meg and Brooke. However, the second daughter of the March reject the young man fell in love with her for who she was, not on who would become, which is what makes a German professor. , Why do it? The excuse of a thousand and one ways, however, the arguments do not matter if the feelings involved. And at least according to the author, he was happy with the small Amy. But for me, Laurie and the rest of his life, continued to smile for the girl and burned clothing.

Pd. I will leave the video, because it was how I imagined the scene so;, The ever watched the TV screen.


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