Friday, November 28, 2008

Handbag Birthday Cake Movie Meme

Time for a meme in this sad EleJota.

I've copied

[info] just_miya

1. After all ... I'm just a girl, standing in front of a boy, Asking him to love her [info] eva_1102

2. May A bird love a fish, signore, But Where Will They Live? [info] eva_1102

3. I am no man [info] just_miya

4. I swear I do not know. One minute the glass and the next Was There It Was Gone. It Was like magic. [info] eva_1102

5. I love you. Most ardently. Please do me the honor of my hand Accepting . [info] eva_1102 .

Easy, is not it?

goodbye This November, almost final of the year! that was fast.


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