Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Chroniques Des Shamans Uo Drama Queen

I'm back after 2 days without internet at the office.

had wanted to post something since last Friday, but the rain ruined it. Following

my traumas, fortunately I did not last long last XD! Probable

spoiler below ...

has started the new season of the NFL, it seems like yesterday when the Giants defeated the Patriots in the heart game I've seen in my life.

vomitiba And the news of the week gave me \u0026lt;/ a> \u0026lt;/ b> \u0026lt;/ a> [info] eva_1102 yesterday. CHT
MLXC Meyer, if Meyer TW, wrote the last book in the series for the group of TWmoms !!!!!
Not that I have anything against the group, and much less than the moms, but I think this is the height of things to ruin a franchise just to get along with a group of fans ¬ ¬ ;
Meyer has never been a good writer, but after that fell into the category of bad writer Fan Fic type stories, after all if it is just a housewife who writes.

you imagine if JK had written the book 7 only thinking about pleasing the fans of H / Hr or Voldy fans or fans of H / G!

If every time I realize that el last book of this series is to be ignored, the better we are left with 3.


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