Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Sickle Cell Disease More Condition_symptoms Petitions to ignore: P

For that, these days and because of [info] neurona_muerta functional commissions I have come to write porn. It is not necessarily porn porn scenes can be erotiquillas tb, romanticonas. Ask parejillas, you know the fandoms that more or less management. If you're asking me I do not like, do not write, this is not a challenge jolputa I just want to have fun. Besic. Ada.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Pokemon Shower Curtain The Wire

I just found a story with some pretty interesting as The Wire and here I think I have not spoken in the series, I will link-spamming. Not knowing something is reason to miss it, so I always try to disseminate The Wire, get as many people as possible know that it exists and you know it is a masterpiece of television. After each one there then it sees fit, but at least they know of its existence. Because it hurts my soul to see what this wonder is unknown.

A number of television critics and political analysts even , as Jacob Weisberg and Tim Goodman, have called The Wire as the best series in the history of television: "No other series has ever done anything remotely like what has been this: to portray the social, political and economic of an American city with the scope, precision and moral vision observer of the best literature," writes Weisberg in Slate.

One of the great successes of The Wire is so realistic it becomes. There is a story out of the mind of a writer or a writer, all we see is based on what they have found over the years, its authors, a journalist and a policeman in Baltimore. And if we had to give even more credence to the story, there are things so strange and endearing how are you:

Its creator, David Simon, it was feared the worst: more t thoughtburns or soon would have run off with cameras in tow for having gotten into an area too dangerous. The opposite occurred. Word spread among the thugs in the area on a television series dedicated to portraying crime in Baltimore, began circulating pirated DVDs with episodes of the series and many of these thugs thought they recognized in any of the characters. Simon tells how, in recent seasons of the series, unreliable looking people approaching the area of the shooting and asked, as if this was a band, where is the boss. One of those visitors von Max Knight approached him and said under his breath: "We saw the episode the other day. The guy I speak of is Warren, a friend of mine. Have you heard of lor who spent a couple of days at the pier? ". And so began an unlikely synergy: criminals becoming a writer.

"They were not paid," says Simon told El Pais Semanal, "but The Wire has become a snowball, in part because the people in the street, I knew we were telling their stories without adding any fiction story . So we had more and more things. Too many prosecutors we talked about where they were working, or microphones that had been placed in this or that dealer, or wiretaps. And many police. But above all, people on the street. We were filming in Baltimore, approached us and told us their stories. "

The rest of the story onThe Wire and its creator, the great David Simon: Journalists , thugs and Baltimore

really worth seeing this series, not only for its great quality but because of everything that gives you as a person, everything you taught, how well it helps you understand how the institutions or the world of the drug. And with that, sorry for the spam.