Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Half Pint Baby T-shirt All right

Yerman, Pilons Gordo and I are great. Tomorrow I will go to INEM to see if I get ninerooooos. A kiss and thanks to all for your support

Monday, March 15, 2010

Polycistic Ovaries More Condition_symptoms Inventing new routines

For that, I'm home with Miguel and making us little by little we have here a thing so small. At times it is very hard, even I am recovering, in others it is simply wonderful and rare in others.

I know I'm missing, but still I have to get used to. Kisses to all.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Complex Partial Seizures More Condition_symptoms For hospital

For that, we go to the hospital. I'll tell you how it went around the corner. Attentive to facebook Susi has kindly offered to usurp the account to warn you when born. A huge kiss.