Well the only entry to discuss the new layout I have, jejejejeje the header, like everyone, I did it in 30 min, jajajajjaa is why stay so, where later I was in the mood horror theme, the square is beautiful ♥ ♥ of course credit is not mine if not myrasis that I place in the community of weapon_icons of Livejournal.
The icon to use for this entry is ilenka . I loved it as soon as I saw
_ ♥ ♥ And we continue with the drought of HP, really do not understand how we have nothing yet, except a few pictures. not those of the WBare sorry, really I hope the movie is what I hope, as to shippers, it is all we have left and really the only thing I'm going to stand in line to the cinema.
far entry within the next few memes do to make it more interesting, jejejeje.