Monday, May 26, 2008

Aplastic Anemia More Condition_symptoms HIM AND HER

(He) was looking on the table that I knew that I would find, watched every afternoon
waking under the bed, without even hayarlo

as the fly hits again and again against window. Where
began his journey?
When his soul left the body that choked losing track?
When your mind decided to follow his background and lose their shape? ________________________________________________________________________________________

(SHE) At first I knew I had found,
just felt joy at having discovered something new.
She gave form and substance, was happy.
Who can blame her? Not know its rightful owner,
had it? There
owner to that which has no name?
Or it was just him and lost it,
him that put a name to get a response no longer
dare claim it as theirs. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

(He) walked in the fog when he saw a clear
approached by inertia rather than will.
Their long journey had made him forget who he was and what he wanted.
As the sun motionless while the world revolves around
only fire that burns inside reminds quand lives and lives
looking for.
his mind was the soul who said they had found
But his soul used to their free will not listen,
fun with things that were there. _____________________________________________________________________________________________

(IT) took a while to notice their presence, busy in his life. As
not answer him thought he could not understand.
But he sat there at his side
but seems to be in another world.

(IT) The soul told him to mind that it was she who sought.
His mind went back to being one with the soul.
And he asked her his nameber,
a whisper and he knew who he was and who had been.

spoke her name and she knew that he was the rightful owner. Hayo
Thus she unwittingly so you do not find him looking
So, not knowing what I was looking
he found both.
